Amish Macaroni Salad Recipe I love macaroni salad. This sweet creamy chill salad has a delicious flavor. I think to relish the taste of Amish Macaroni Salad you need to make it at home. You can find the Amish Macaroni Salad Recipe below: Ingredients: 1 Packet salad macaroni 4 boiled eggs chopped 1 small size […]
Cherry Chocolate Cupcakes Recipe Cupcakes are very delicious and yummy sweet desert. Today we will teach you how to make cherry cupcakes at home. It’s very easy to make at home. They look very yummy and tasty when garnish with red cherries and chocolate cream topping. Ingredients Cherry Chocolate Cupcakes: • 2 eggs • 3 […]
America’s Got Talent 2016 Auditions: Tape Face Man leaves the Audience Speechless America got talent is a platform for the performers to showcased their abilities in front of the public. It’s a platform where performers across the country, showcase their strange and unique performances. America got talent offers a chance to singers, dancers, impressionists, jugglers, […]
Calvin Harris says goodbye to Taylor Swift You have heard about the separation of Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris. The couple decided to say goodbye to each other last week. It’s now officially confirmed that the couple, who has been dating since a year, ended up their relationship. They mutually decided to split as the […]
Homemade Mango Kulfi Recipe Mango season is on its peak now a day. The King of Fruit, mango is a rich source of nutrition and vitamins. It has a unique flavor and fragrance which tempt us to eat more and more. It’s a rich source of Vitamin C, A, E and B-6. Mango are not […]
Shocking Video of Bollywood Actresses without Makeup Now you can watch the famous Bollywood actresses without makeup. The video on daytimes will show you how yours favorite Bollywood stars look with and without makeup. Some of the actresses look very pretty without makeup but some look very ugly. It’s really shocking to see Top famous […]
Homemade Creamy Kulfi Recipe Now you can make creamy and delicious Kulfi at home. It’s a delicious desert on stick which is very much easy to make at home. Ingredients for Making Kulfi: • 8 cups of Milk • One can of condensed Milk • Nutmeg powder ¼ tsp • Cardamom powder ½ tsp • […]
Famous Pakistani Celebrities With Their Fathers Famous Pakistani Celebrities With Their Fathers. You can watch the video on daytimes about the famous celebrities of Pakistani Showbiz industry with their fathers. Iman Ali and Rahma Ali are the daughters of renowned actor Abid Ali. Moomal Sheikh and Shehzad Sheikh are the children of actor Javed Sheikh. […]
Bread Gulab Jamun Recipe Video Gulab Jamun is the traditional sweet desert. If you are a Gulab Jamun Lover and want to cook them at home, you need not to worry now. Today we will show you step by step gulab jamun preparation method. You can made instant gulab jamun at home by using white […]
Hum TV to air Servis 4th Hum Awards Tonight at 7:30 PM Hum TV is going to air service 4th Hum Awards, A Night With Stars, today. You can watch the live Hum TV awards Show tonight at 7:30. You can also watch the service 4th Hum Awards show video on daytimes. You can watch […]