Body Care

Early Signs of Heart Attack

Early Signs of Heart Attack

Frances E. Snyder

Everything about the signs of heart attack that you must pay head to avoid the unexpected and severe attacks. Early ...

How to Get rid of Trans Fat in Your Body?

How to Get rid of Trans Fat in Your Body?

Frances E. Snyder

How to Get rid of Trans Fat in the Body? Artificial Trans fat (or trans fatty acids) are created in ...

Best Weight Loss Pills and Supplements in Pakistan

Best Weight Loss Pills and Supplements in Pakistan


Losing weight is the most challenging task for an obese because it requires a calorie deficit diet with intensive weight ...

Ivory Caps Skin Whitening Pills Benefits and Side Effects

Ivory Caps Skin Whitening Pills Benefits and Side Effects

Sumera Saeed

Ivory Caps Skin Whitening Pills Benefits and Side Effects. Every girl desires to have a perfect skin tone that’s why ...

4 Risks Associated With Extended Use of NSAIDs

4 Risks Associated With Extended Use of NSAIDs

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Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, or NSAIDs, are commonly used in Pakistan as pain killers. The doctors often prescribe them, but that’s ...

Health Benefits of Watermelon: Eat Healthy, Eat Good

Health Benefits of Watermelon: Eat Healthy, Eat Good

Sumera Saeed

Health Benefits of Watermelon: Eat healthy, Eat Good. Hello readers, in this article we have mentioned some of the watermelon ...

How WBM Natural Liquid Hand Wash is Best Smelling and Moisturizing?

How WBM Natural Liquid Hand Wash is Best Smelling and Moisturizing?

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To keep your hands away from all germs and harmful diseases, the best approach would be to wash your hands ...

Foods Pushing You Into A Dark Abyss

Foods Pushing You Into A Dark Abyss

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Are you one of those people who think that even water makes you fat? Do you too think that you ...

Burn Your Calories, Have Flat Belly and Glowing Skin with Detox Water

Burn Your Calories, Have Flat Belly and Glowing Skin with Detox Water

Sumera Saeed

Burn Your Calories, Have Flat Belly and Glowing Skin with Detox water. To use detox water is the best way ...

Top 5 Anti Snoring Devices Easily Available in Pakistan

Top 5 Anti Snoring Devices Easily Available in Pakistan

Sumera Saeed

Want to get rid of snoring? Here are the best anti-snoring devices that help to avoid them easily.  Top 5 ...