8 Lemonade Recipes To Get Instant Energy in Iftar


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8 Lemonade Recipes To Get Instant Energy in Iftar

8 Lemonade Recipes To Get Instant Energy in IftarLemonade is an astonishing drink to quench the thirst at iftar time. The use of lemonade in this Ramadan will not only give you instant energy but also help to get rid of body aches and headaches.

Today we will tell you 8 different lemonade recipes to get instant energy

1.Raspberry and Peach Lemonade

  • Raspberry one cup
  • Peach slices on cup
  • Water 4 cups
  • Sugar to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Lemon Juice ¼ cup
  • Ice

Put all the ingredients into the  mixer and stir well. Your lemonade drink is ready. Pour into the glasses and serve.

2.Peach and Mint Lemonade

  • Peach slices one cup
  • Half bunch of chopped Mint Leaves
  • Water 4 cups
  • Sugar to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Lemon Juice ¼ cup
  • Ice


  • Put all the ingredients in to the  mixture and stir well. Your lemonade drink is ready. Pour into the glasses and serve.

3.Strawberry Lemonade

  • Strawberry slices one cup
  • Water 4 cups
  • Sugar to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Lemon Juice ¼ cup
  • Ice


  • Put all the ingredients into the  mixer and stir well. Your lemonade drink is ready. Pour into the glasses and serve.

4. Lemon and Mint Lemonade

  • Lemon Juice one cup
  • Half bunch of chopped Mint Leaves
  • Water 4 cups
  • Sugar to taste
  • Salt to taste
  • Ice


  • Put all the ingredients into the mixture and stir well. Your lemonade drink is ready. Pour into the glasses and serve. It’s a very refreshing drink.

5. Pineapple Lemonade

  • Pineapple slices one cup
  • Lemon Juice 11/4 Cup
  • Salt to taste
  • Water 3 cups
  • Ice


  • Put all the ingredients in to the mixture and stir well. You lemonade drink is ready. Pour into the glasses and serve. It’s a very refreshing drink.

6. Pomegranate Lemonade

  • Pomegranate Juice one cup
  • Lemon Juice 11/4 Cup
  • Salt to taste
  • Water 3 cups
  • Ice


  • Put all the ingredients into the mixture and stir well. Your lemonade drink is ready. Pour into the glasses and serve. It’s a very refreshing drink.

7. Honey, Lemon and black pepper Lemonade

  • Lemon Juice one cup
  • Honey ½ Cup
  • Water 4 cups
  • Ice
  • Salt to taste


  • Put all the ingredients into the mixture and stir well. Your lemonade drink is ready. Pour into the glasses and serve. It’s a very refreshing drink.

8. Water Melon Lemonade

  • Watermelon slices one cup
  • Lemon juice 1 tablespoon
  • Water one cup
  • Rock salt to taste
  • Ice


  • Put all the ingredients into the mixture and stir well. Your lemonade drink is ready. Pour into the glasses and serve. It’s a very refreshing drink.
  • Watermelon Lemonade is a very healthy and refreshing drink it offers instant energy.

For more recipes stay in touch with the Daytimes.pk Pakistani Cooking Recipes Corner.

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