Baked Macaroni Recipe

Swaiba Rehman

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Baked Macaroni Recipe at Daytimes

Baked Macaroni Recipe

Now it’s time to have best appetizer for you. Today you will find here the Baked Macaroni Recipe. Below is the complete method and ingredients of Baked Macaroni dish.

Ingredients for Baked Macaroni:

  • Mince half kg
  • Black Pepper Powder 1tsp
  • Red Chili crushed 1sp
  • Salt to taste
  • Oil
  • Butter 1tsp
  • Flour 2tsp
  • Milk 1 cup
  • Cheddar cheeses 2tsp
  • Cream half cup
  • Macaroni full packet


Boil Macaroni in hot water and add 2 tsp oil in a pan add mince half kg , black pepper powder , red chili crushed , and salt in pan. Let the mince cooked.

Now make white sauce for that add butter 1tsp, flour 2tsp, milk 1 cup , cheddar cheese 2tsp , cream half cup and let the sauce ready.

Now its time to assemble it, have tray , add mince , white sauce then add macaroni layer over it and now add white sauce over it and for decoration add green capsicum layer and let it bake in pre heat oven at 180 C for 15 to 20 min. Baked yummy macaroni is ready , served it.