12 Local Cosmetic Brands in Pakistan Selling Chemical-Oriented Products: CCP

Sumera Saeed

12 local cosmetic brands in Pakistan got a warning notice from the Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) due to the production of inorganic and chemical-oriented beauty products in the country

12 local cosmetic brands in Pakistan got a warning notice from the Competition Commission of Pakistan (CCP) due to the production of inorganic and chemical-oriented beauty products in the country. These local beauty brands are engaging in “greenwashing” by falsely labelling their products as “natural, organic or chemical-free”.

 In this regard, the CCP has issued a statement that stated of deceptive marketing by the Local Cosmetic Brands in Pakistan claiming their products are natural, organic, and chemical-free without providing proof.

Their misleading advertisements are not only deceiving people but also causing health hazards. These skincare brands are facing action for allegedly hiding information about ingredients in their beauty products and misleading labelling practices.

These companies also claim to be Pakistan’s top Skincare Brands but deceive people with harmful chemicals in the products, revealed CCP.

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