How to Fix the Most Common Home Wi-Fi Issues?

Sumera Saeed

How to Fix the Most Common Home Wi-Fi Issues?

You might be wondering how despite so much advancement in technology, how is it that we can all relate to slow home wi-fi issues. Well, let’s face it, no matter how fast our internet speed or how smooth the service is? There are a number of things that come into play in order to get the best internet experience. The issue may not always be at your provider’s end and identifying it solves half of it. If you’re also annoyed by the buffer wheel on your Smart TV, or you lose your connection on important work calls, we know how you feel and we have got your back.

To solve the issue of your weak or unpredictable home internet connection, we have come up with some of the most common ones that may not have crossed your mind before. In this article, we will explore some of them and discuss how you can simply fix your home wi-fi issues. However, first things first. Having a good internet service should be your top priority. Whether you’re dependent on the internet for work or entertainment, choose one of the best internet services Windstream Internet.

When we say service, we don’t just mean a good speed. Make sure your provider is actively working to provide you with a good experience and attends efficiently to all your concerns. This is partially why we advocate for Windstream Internet, as they are available to solve all your internet problems 24/7. You can simply call the Windstream customer service number and talk to them about any issue you’re facing. From installation to troubleshooting, and consultation, you can get everything through a call.

Once you’re sure your internet acting up is not your provider’s doing, you can now start exploring the issue on your end. So let’s list up!

1.  Check for damaged cables

The first thing you need to check for is any damaged or loose cables in your home. You might have a worn-out cable, which is why your internet signal is being interrupted constantly. It could be because of a wire being stuck behind or underneath a piece of furniture, or a pet may have scratched or bitten part of it. Check for all the cables leading to your modem or internet router and make sure there is no fault there. If there is, you can simply replace it with a new one and fix your internet speed. 

2.  Your signals May block

Where you place your internet device has a lot to do with your internet speed and signal strength. If there are any walls or big cupboards between you and your internet device, it may be a reason why you aren’t able to connect to your internet. To help solve this problem, you should try repositioning your modem or router and installing it in a central place at your home where signals can reach every corner.

If you’re unable to find the best position for your modem or router, you can get in touch with your internet service provider and they can help you install it to optimize the signals.

3.  You may have a weak WiFi password

One of the many reasons why your internet is acting up may be because of too many users using up your internet’s bandwidth. If you have too many devices connected or your internet it is time to change your internet password. If you have a weak password that is easy to guess, anyone who is in the range of your network’s signal can easily connect to it. Make sure you have a strong password that is not easy to guess and that only you and your family have access to. This way you will make sure that your internet is not unnecessarily being compromised.

4.  You may be using a VPN

Another reason why your internet may not be working properly is because you’re using a VPN. A VPN, or a virtual private network is a private internet channel that hides your internet activity or presence. The IP address blocks your tracking. While using a VPN may not be an issue in most countries, it is illegal to use it in some.

If you’re using a VPN, you are using more of your internet bandwidth than without it. And consequently, your internet will work slowly as compared to otherwise. If your speed is your priority, you might want to stop using a VPN and access your internet through your own IP address.

Wrapping It Up

These are some of the most common internet speed problems that people regularly face. If you have come across any of these issues, the solution is right in front of you. It may only take a small effort to identify and fix the issue. However, if you’re unable to fix your home wi-fi issues still, you might have to look out for professional help. In that case, turn to your internet service provider and let them solve the problem for you. Remember, this is why you need a trusted provider who puts your issues first. So choose wisely, Happy surfing!

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