Islamic date today in Pakistan is 16 Rajab 1446, 17th January 2025.
What is the Islamic Hijri calendar?
The Islamic date depends on the Islamic calendar/lunar calendar/Hijri calendar.
Muslims around the world determine the Islamic date on the lunar calendar. All the religious events are observed on the Islamic dates after the sighting of the new moon. Islamic date determine Islamic holidays and rituals, such as month of fasting, Eids, pilgrimage, etc
The Importance of Islamic date in Pakistan
Islamic dates in Pakistan depend on the movement of the moon and daily updates according to the Hijri calendar and the Gregorian calendar.
Pakistan is one of the Mulsim countries which observe their events on Islamic dates. The exact Islamic date let them prepare for the major events and festivals in Pakistan. Islamic date in Pakistan changes daily after sunset.
What are the Islamic months in Pakistan?
There are 12 Islamic months just like the Gregorian colander. The Islamic months pursue the lunar cycle, making the Islamic calendar nearly 11 days shorter than the Gregorian calendar. The Islamic months are as follows;
- Muharram – The Month of Allah
- Safar – The Month of Distinction
- Rabi Al-Awwal – The Birth of the Beloved
- Rabi Al-Thani
- Jamada Al-Awwal (Jumada I)
- Jamada Al-Thani (Jumada Il)
- Rajab – A Sacred Month
- Sha’ban – The Neglected Month
- Ramadan – The Month of Fasting
- Shawwal – The Month of Reward
- Dhul Qadah – A Sacred Month
- Dhul Hijjah – The 10 Best Days (The Month of Hajj)
How many days are in the Hijri calendar?
The Hijri Calendar is a lunar calendar, which comprises 354 or 355 days in a year.
Which month of Islam is today?
Today is the holy month of Ramadan. The month of Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic year. Today’s Islamic date in Pakistan is 16 Rajab 1446 in the Islamic calendar.
What Islamic Date Tomorrow in Pakistan?
The Islamic date tomorrow in Pakistan will be 17 Rajab 1446 Hijri.
What are the 4 holy months in Islam?
There are 4 holly months in the Islamic year that hold great significance. The 4 holy months in Islam are Muharram and Rajab, Dhu al-Qadah, and Dhu’l-Hijjah.
Chand ki Date today in Pakistan?
Chand Ki Date today in Pakistan 16 Rajab 1446 Hijri, 17th January 2025.