Jaguar I Pace: First Electric Car

Swaiba Rehman

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Jaguar I Pace: First Electric Car

Jaguar I Pace: First Electric Car

Electric car are making their ways as according to a study in 2015 about 2.6 million battery powered vehicles run on the roads. Now jaguar I pace electric car is all set to be the best car of era.

At press event in Los Angeles jaguar has unrevealed its first electric car.  Jaguar I pace is first electric car that will cover 500km range with zero tailpipe emissions. Jaguar I pace will be launched in 2018. As jaguar is famous for being luxury vehicle brand so I pace will be a luxurious electric car. In conventional car category they proved to be the best brand car of era but now its time to wait and watch what impression I pace will have on minds of its customers.

Jaguar I pace will be the best version of electric car and will be going to market before its rival so each feature is highly competent, it will never be launched like other conventional cars.

Jaguar I Pace: First Electric Car

Jaguar I-PACE is powered by two electric motors – one attached to each axle front and back and together delivering 400 horsepower. I PACE required only two hours for charging , it covers 80% battery charging within 90 minutes .Moreover it can be easily charged at any public charging stations and if you are covering 25 to 31 miles you just need to charge jaguar I pace electric car once in a week.

Jaguar I Pace three systems : battery pack , cooling system , structure and module weighs between 550 to 600 kg. Jaugar I pace electric car is best in making it cool whatever higher current, load and performance you are giving to it as I pace batteries are best for staying cool without heat generation. Jaguar I pace replaced dashboard by 12-inch high-resolution interactive driver display. It is best in being dramatic, future-facing design with beautiful and premium details. Jaguar I pace will be a five seated car providing comfortable and opulence journey.

There is no idea when jaguar I pace will release and how much will it cost. But car lovers are waiting anxiously for I pace.

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