
Man Who has 25 Wives and 145 Children Now in Prison

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Winston Blackmore is a former Canadian religious leader who has married to 25 girls and fathering 145 children, now in prison for 5 years due to the charge of polygamy.

Winston Blackmore was the head of the Church of the Church of Jesus, the FLDS of the latter church, which advocates polygamy.

He is 61 years old and has married 25 women over the past 25 years, giving birth to more than 145 children.

Between 1990 and 2014 Blackmore was charged of polygamy for which he faced a court case in 1990. But because of lack of proofs and evidences the provincial government took no action against him.

Now Blackmore was found guilty with one of his ex- wives, Jane Blackmore.

Jane told the court that Winston told her that he was married to so many wives, only to “execute God’s orders to him”, according to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC). Now after the 12 days trial Winston Blackmore is in prison and court found him guilty and sent him jail for 5 years.

Winston Blackmore is not the only man who has many wives, another man Oler was also found of guilty and is facing trial with him.

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Winston Blackmore
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Sumera Saeed

I am sumera Saeed Expert writer or contant creator

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