Everything about Solar Net Metering in Pakistan

Sumera Saeed

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Everything about Net Metering in Pakistan


There are reports that the government is all set to change the solar net metering in Pakistan with gross metering to sell high-priced grid electricity to consumers. The government has revealed its plan to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to soon end the net metering policy for rooftop solar panels based on low-cost power generation and will also replace it with gross metering.

On the other hand, the Federal Mini­s­ter for Energy Awais Ahmad Khan Leghari revealed on Sunday that the government had no plans to end the solar net metering policy. His remarks came after media reports, claimed that the government was ending the the policy and replacing it with a new gross-metering system in Pakistan.

Under the gross metering system in Pakistan, the electricity produced by the solar systems of consumers is fed into the national grid, which they will then purchase from the disco, possibly decreasing the financial incentives.

Beginning of net metering System in Pakistan

Net Metering System in Pakistan. The Net Metering System was introduced in Pakistan in 2017 at the 6th International Renewable Energy Exhibition & Conference titled “Solar Pakistan 2017”.

Solar Net Metering in Pakistan is available in Lahore, Karachi Islamabad, and also available in other cities. The net metering system is beneficial for domestic consumers. Through the net metering system, the electricity shortfall will be controlled across the country.

in 2018, Ex-Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi officially launched a power consumer-friendly net-metering framework in a ceremony in Islamabad. Under the system, power consumers could generate their own energy and sell the surplus to the national grid.

A few years ago, the National Electricity Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) revised the Distributed Generation and Net Metering Regulations 2015 to decrease the expense for consumers that are generating net metering by almost 30pc is expected to dent the present government’s plan of escalating the share of renewable energy in the overall energy mix. Sources said that the reduction in net metering tariff will be unfavourable for the development of renewable energy in the country.

What is a Net Metering System?

The net metering system allows consumers to generate their own electricity by using wind and solar systems. Solar Net Metering in Pakistan lets domestic consumers sell the extra electricity to power distribution companies at lucrative rates. So the consumers can also be the power distribution companies’ clients. A ‘net meter’ tracks both the electricity consumed onsite and the electricity generated by the solar energy system.

Consumers can lower their electricity bills by installing solar power panels on their rooftops and connecting them with the national grid. The government pays consumers a price for the electricity that their solar power panels feed into the grid through a net-metering system in Pakistan. Net metering in Pakistan could reduce electricity bills and also organize to reduce power shortages.

Benefits of Net Metering System

There are a number of benefits of the solar net metering system. Consumers can save thousands of rupees per year and it is even more attractive and affordable for many families. According to reports, net metering in Pakistan helps reduce monthly electricity bills.

Net Metering System In Pakistan

The Net Metering System in Pakistan is available in Islamabad and Lahore. The Islamabad Electric Supply Company (IESCO) awarded so far over 40 net-metering connections having 1.8 megawatts accumulative capacity to purchase surplus electricity. Here is the list of electric supply companies that are providing net metering and the net metering connections can be gained in less than one month.

  • Lahore Electric Supply Company (LESCO)
  • Hub Power Company (HUBCO)
  • Hyderabad Electric Supply Company (HESCO)
  • Sukkur Electric Power Company (SEPCO)
  • Faisalabad Electric Supply Company (FESCO)
  • Gujranwala Electric Power Company (GEPCO)
  • Islamabad Electric Supply Company (IESCO)
  • K-Electric (formerly KESC)
  • Peshawar Electric Power Company (PESCO)
  • Quetta Electric Supply Company (QESCO)
  • Kot Addu Power Company (KAPCO)
  • Multan Electric Power Company (MEPCO)

How to avail of Net Metering in Pakistan?

Consumers can visit the official websites of LESCO, IESCO, FESCO, MEPCO, KESC, QESCO, HESCO, GEPCO, PESCO and etc, to get connections.

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