Total Solar Eclipse 2023 in Pakistan to be on April 20

Total Solar Eclipse in 2023 in Pakistan to be on April 20

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First Solar Eclipse in Pakistan 2023

The first Suraj Grahan in Pakistan 2023 is all set to take place on Thursday 20th April. Suraj Grahan 2023 will begin at 6:34 aM and will continue till 11:59 aM.

All about the first solar eclipse in 2023 in Pakistan will be on April 20 in Pakistan and other countries of the world: timings, visibility, and how and where to watch the live Suraj Grahan 2023.

The first Suraj Grahan in Pakistan in 2023 will be on 20th April. If you are in South/East Asia, Australia, the Pacific, the Indian Ocean, and Antarctica you could be lucky enough because you might be on the path of the total solar eclipse of 2023. This is the first total solar eclipse in 2023 which is all set to occur on Thursday 20th April in Pakistan. This is the total solar eclipse of the year and is all set to start at 06:34 aM PKT and end at 11:59 PM PKT. Approximately 5 hours and 30 minutes long, it was the longest eclipse of the year.

The first Suraj Grahan in Pakistan 2023 will be on the 20th of April whereas the second eclipse will going to take place on the 14th of October.

What is Solar Eclipse?

The solar eclipse occurs when the new moon moves between the Sun and Earth. It blocks the sun’s rays to reach the earth casting a shadow on the different parts of the earth.

The shadow of the moon is not big enough to cover the entire earth so the shadow is always partial in nature. The shadow on the different areas keeps on changing due to the earth and the moon’s constant motion.

The Earth incessantly rotates around its axis while it tracks the Sun, and the Moon orbits Earth. This is why solar eclipses appear traveling from one place to another.

What are the different types of solar eclipses?

Solar eclipses have four different types including partial solar eclipses, annular solar eclipses, total solar eclipses, and hybrid solar eclipses.

Partial solar eclipses happen when the moon partially covers the sun’s disk, as you can see in the image below:

What are the different types of solar eclipses

Annular solar eclipses occur when the moon is unable to fully cover the sun and the edges of the sun look like a fiery ring, as you can see in the image below:

What are the different types of solar eclipses

Total solar eclipses take place when the moon completely covers the Sun. total solar eclipses happen only when the moon is near perigee, the point of the Moon’s orbit nearby to Earth.

What are the different types of solar eclipses

Hybrid Solar Eclipses are a rare type of eclipse and occur when the same eclipse alters from an annular to a total solar eclipse and along the eclipse’s path.

What are the different types of solar eclipses

Visibility of the First solar eclipse 2023:

Suraj Grahan in Pakistan 2023 date and time. The first solar eclipse in 2023 in Pakistan (Suraj Grahan) will be visible in several countries but not in Pakistan and India. Some people in the Southern Hemisphere will have the chance to experience a total or partial eclipse of the Sun. It will be visible in South/East Asia, Australia, the Pacific, the Indian Ocean, and Antarctica. 

The totality of this solar eclipse will be visible in the North West Cape peninsula and Barrow Island in Western Australia, eastern parts of East Timor, as well as Damar Island and parts of the province of Papua in Indonesia. As per the report, it will be a hybrid eclipse, with portions of its path near sunrise and sunset as annular.

This is the first Suraj Grahan in Pakistan 2023 and the total in nature and will happen when the new moon moves directly in front of the sun.

Is the first solar eclipse of 2023 visible in Pakistan?

What is the time of the solar eclipse in Pakistan? :

The Suraj Grahan in Pakistan 2023 on 20th April starts at 06:34 am PKT (Pakistan Standard Time) and reaches its maximum limit at 09:17 am PKT and will end at nearly 11:59 am as per Pakistan Metrologist Department (PMD).

Suraj Grahan in Pakistan 2023 date and time:

  • Suraj Grahan in pakisttan to be on 20th April
  • Solar Eclipse will begin at 6:34 am PST
  • The total eclipse will be in place at 7:37 am PST
  • Eclipse will peak at 9:17 am PST
  • Ends at 11:59 am PST

The total duration of Suraj Grahan in Pakistan 2023

The total solar eclipse will begin at 06:34 am PKT on April 20 and its duration will be of nearly 5 hours and 30 minutes but it will not be visible in Pakistan.

Viewing Solar Eclipse Not Safe For Eyes:

Sky-gazers would get to watch the partial solar eclipse on April 20, which is considered a rare event but to watch the total solar eclipse (Suraj Grahan) with the naked eye is not safe. Doctors and medical experts say that it could damage the cornea of the eyes if you gaze at the solar eclipse without precautionary tools.

What special equipment is required to watch the eclipse?

Never look directly at the eclipses without any protective eyewear. It will be dangerous on account of a partial solar eclipse, solar eclipse glasses must be worn at all times to avoid damage to the eyes. The harmful UV radiation can burn the retinas in your eyes leading to permanent damage or even blindness. In order to watch the 2023 total solar eclipse, special types of equipment are required like special solar glasses, darkened welder’s glasses, pinhole cameras, and other gadgets.

If you are planning to view the solar eclipse and at the same time want to avoid damage to your eyes wear special solar glasses or use darkened welder glasses.

2023’s Total Solar Eclipse Live Streaming:

Despite the invisibility of the solar eclipse in 2023 in Pakistan, India and other countries of the world viewers can observe the event through live streams of space agencies and certain observatories and also by installing different apps and also on YouTube and NASA Live

How Many Solar Eclipses in 2023?

In the year 2023, there will be 4 eclipses out of which 2 will be solar and 2 will be lunar. The first solar eclipse in 2023 will be on the 20th of April and the second will be on the 14th of October.

If you capture an amazing solar eclipse photo and would like to share it with daytimes.pk and send your photos, comments, and your name to [email protected]


Sumera Saeed

I am sumera Saeed Expert writer or contant creator

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